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Minds of Unites

More than half of young people in the Netherlands experience mental health issues at some point. Think about stress, performance pressure, loneliness, or financial worries that cause mental strain. This also applies to the young people who play 3X3 on our courts. You might even recognize yourself in this.

The mission of Minds of Unites is:

"Creating awareness and breaking taboos by starting conversations and spreading knowledge.
We connect minds!"

3X3 Leaders Break Taboos

Within our own community, there are also young people dealing with mental health issues. One of the 3X3 Leaders who shares her story with us is Ema. Ema has overcome an eating disorder and talks about what this experience was like for her.

It’s incredibly brave of Ema to open up and tell such a personal story. She does this because she wants to bring the subject out of anonymity and let young people know that there is a way out when you’re struggling with mental health issues. We invite you to watch her story with care.


Are you facing mental challenges yourself? It can help to talk to someone about this (anonymously). Where can you turn to in the Netherlands?

  • The Kindertelefoon: chat or call every day, anonymously and confidentially (8-18 years old).
    • 113 Suicide Prevention: chat or call every day, anonymously and confidentially. They also offer advice for loved ones.
    • Youth Help Online: more than 20 help lines listed. Fast, anonymous, and free.
      • Your doctor: for assessing the situation, treatment, and referrals to specialized care.

      Also, reach out to one of our 3X3 Leaders or someone you know within the 3X3 Unites community.
      And remember: you are not alone!


      Curious about your mental health status?

      PSYNED (NL) offers twelve online tests where you can anonymously and freely assess your mental health. Once you complete the test, you’ll receive immediate results, including advice and tips.


      Laatste Nieuws

      Why does Minds of Unites exist?

      At 3X3 Unites, we pay a lot of attention to mental health. It’s incredibly important to be open about it so that we can break stigmas and encourage young people to seek help if needed. Your well-being is essential to your personal development.

      3X3 Unites aims to create more awareness around mental health by starting on- and offline conversations about sometimes difficult topics. We see that there are still often taboos around vulnerability, and we want to break these and make stigmas disappear.


      At 3X3 Unites, we believe in the power of vulnerability. No masks, just the real you. Discovering who you really are and what you stand for is often a journey. This takes time, space, and attention. We help you with this by organizing, for example, Get Togethers. Here, you can laugh together, shoot some hoops, but also delve deeper into topics that are important to young people. Sometimes these sessions are led by young people themselves, sometimes by an expert.


      At 3X3 Unites, we use sports to stay physically and mentally fit. Our Leader Course offers perspective and connects you with other young people. We are an inclusive community where everyone is welcome, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. We look beyond labels and see each other as human beings. That’s what unites us!


      To promote equality in sports, we organize special activities for girls with our partner Nike Made To Play. We train them to become role models, 3X3 Leaders. They organize activities in Amsterdam throughout the year, specifically for young girls, so that they can move, play, and get to know 3x3 basketball in the right environment and under proper guidance.

      3X3 Mentor Course

      Do you want to help people in your community with mental challenges and break taboos?

      Starting this year, experienced leaders can take the 3X3 Mentor Course and develop themselves into 3X3 Mentors. As a mentor, you are the eyes and ears of your local community. You offer a listening ear and guide other leaders and young people in one-on-one coaching sessions. During the 3X3 Mentor Course, you’ll develop skills to better help young people in their personal development. Your own growth is also central, so you become even more confident.

      The 3x3 Mentor Course was developed together with young people and in collaboration with GGD and Thrive Amsterdam.

      Do you want to know more about the 3X3 Mentor Course? Contact Melissa 't Jong, Training Coordinator at 3X3 Unites, via