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Jesper Jobse looks back on WTA: 'We outdid ourselves in every way'

Jesper Jobse promised in the run-up to the FIBA 3x3 World Tour Amsterdam Masters that the second edition would be even more spectacular than the first edition, a year ago. When the awards were distributed and the Gashouder was empty again, the tournament director's final verdict was, “We outdid ourselves in every way.
According to Jobse, everything fell into place. That Team Amsterdam and Team Utrecht were eliminated in the quarterfinals on Sunday did not change that, according to him. It was one big party from beginning to end. Last year was great, but this year was next level.'

By that, Jobse was referring not only to the 3x3 basketball tournament itself, but also to everything around it. Together with all our partners, we were able to put together something really cool, bring different people together and provide a lot of fun and entertainment,” he said.

Small battles breaking took place all weekend in the Transformatorhuis next to the Gashouder and on Saturday night the finals of the NK breaking were held in front of full stands in the Gashouder. 'Breaking was a perfect fit for our event,' Jobse said.
There was also a women's tournament for the first time this year and a day session had also been added to the event. Jobse saw it reflected in the mixed crowd. “I saw a lot of kids, which I thought was really cool. All those kids were only too happy to take pictures with the Dutch Olympic champions and other top players.

But Jobse was perhaps most proud of his own team. Everyone who contributed to the successful event. 'From the coaching team to the line managers and all the leaders who walked around with a big smile. It gave me a big family feeling and we really matured as an organization.'

The success tastes like a sequel and there will be one in 2025, although the setting will be different because of a renovation of the Gashouder. The World Tour Amsterdam Masters will descend on the NSDM Werf on May 16, 17 and 18.

Jobse does not yet know exactly what it will look like, but that it will be grand again is certain. 'We are going to organize it in cooperation with TIG Sports. We are adding the World Cup freerunning, as well as the Women Series. So plenty to look forward to.'